Our goal is to fully understand your business concerns, explore them in depth, collect all the possible data from every source and deliver the right solution to help you grow and succeed. We incorporate the newest qualitative and quantitative methods.


Qualitative research involves a natural or observational abnormal pangit examination of the philosophies that govern consumer behavior. The direction and framework of the research is often revised as new information is gained, allowing the researcher to evaluate issues and subjects in an in-depth manner. 

FGD (Focus Groups Discussions)

The focus group is marketing research technique for qualitative data that involves a small group of people (6–10) that share a common set characteristics (demographics, attitudes, etc.) and participate in a discussion of predetermined topics led by a moderator.

IDI (In-depth interviews)

By doing individual depth interviews, one can get unique points from each respondent, and their answers will not be influenced by other people as in a focus group

Bulletin board research

A bulletin board is a methodology used for qualitative market research. A bulletin board is a virtual tool or discussion thread allowing users to sign-in and post comments, answer questions, read postings, post content, upload and download files.


Quantitative research is often part of survey methodology, including telephone surveys and consumer satisfaction surveys. Investigating current or potential product/service/brand positioning and marketing strategy.

CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview)

Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) is a telephone surveying technique in which the interviewer follows a script provided by a software application. It is a structured system of microdata collection by telephone that speeds up the collection and editing of microdata and also permits the interviewer to educate the respondents on the importance of timely and accurate data.

F2F CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing)

Computerassisted personal interviewing (CAPI) is an interviewing technique in which the respondent or interviewer uses a computer to answer the questions. It is similar to computer-assisted telephone interviewing, except that the interview takes place in person instead of over the telephone.

F2F PAPI (Paper & Pencil Personal Interviewing)

Paper and Pencil interview is one of the techniques of collecting data in a social research. The interviewer proceeds by question after question according to the questionnaire and the respondent answers. The interviewer records the answers to the questionnaire. In order the answers are representative, the respondents should be selected as a random sample.

CLT (Central Location Test)

A Central Location Test (CLT) is one in which the research is conducted in a location such as a room in a shopping mall. In this instance, consumers would be recruited to participate in a research product at the mall and the research would be conducted and completed at that time.

B2B (business to business)​

Interviewing is the key element in nearly all industrial market research surveys. It dictates the accuracy and depth of information obtained and very often leads to conclusions and recommendations involving thousands of pounds worth of plant and hundreds of jobs.

B2C (Business to Clients)

Interviewing is the key element in nearly all industrial market research surveys. It dictates the accuracy and depth of information obtained from clients.

Websites / Email database surveys

Fewer technologies have done more for marketing than email. It’s fast, inexpensive, and delivers a lot of data to pore over.

DOR (Desk On-line Research)

Desk research can be treated as the most reasonable starting point of research for any organization. Much Information could be generated internally within the organization as a course of normal process.